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Ontario Company Key

Article | 3 MIN

Effective 19 Oct 2021, Ontario government has set out the requirements of have company key for filings under the various acts which include business corporations act, corporations act, business names act, corporations’ information act, extra-provincial corporations act, and Not-for-profit corporations act. The requirements will apply to corporations, sole-proprietorship, or other entity as applicable, which has direct implications on the entities like corporations, sole-proprietorship, Not-for-Profit organisations the way they interact with Ontario government.

Corporations registered after effective date will receive the company key as part of registration process in their given email id and or mailed to given registered address.

The implication of this Notice is that corporations will need company key for

What is company key?

A company key consists of a unique series of digits and/or characters, please refer attached sample copy.

Because it is uniqueness and confidential, the entity is responsible for the care and control of the company key. It should not be shared unless requested by a trusted service provider like CPA’s, Lawyers.

In case of lost key, you can obtain a replacement company key, select “Regenerate Company Key” in your ServiceOntario online account. This will invalidate the previous company key and provide a new company key. It can be requested by completing and submitting the Company Key Request Form. For more information, contact ServiceOntario at 416-314-8880 or tollfree at 1-800-361-3223.

Procedure for requesting key
  1. Click the following link (https://tinyurl.com/22dp5bae)

  2. Search for your corporations

  3. Fill out your details in the given fields and click submit

  4. Receive confirmation

For more information, we are here to help you with your filing and all other accounting and tax matters. Contact us at 647-800-3097 / email us info@orientaccounting.ca today ! and talk to our CPA for free consultation.

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